Welcome to BubsBot! 🎉 This copyright notice outlines the terms of use and intellectual property rights associated with BubsBot.
All content and materials provided by BubsBot, including but not limited to the bot's code, graphics, logos, and documentation, are the intellectual property of KernFerm (Bubbles The Dev).
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of any content from BubsBot without explicit permission is prohibited.
BubsBot is provided to Discord users for the purpose of server management and moderation. Users are granted a limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to use BubsBot in accordance with its intended functionality.
KernFerm (Bubbles The Dev) reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue BubsBot, or any part thereof, at any time without prior notice or liability.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this copyright notice, please contact KernFerm (Bubbles The Dev) through our Discord server.
Thank you for using BubsBot! 🤖